
Search modified templates

The template search endpoint allows you to retrieve the template ID, name, modification date and creation date, of
templates that meet a certain criteria. It is possible to request templates modified between given dates, and whether
or not to include archived templates.

In the request, you must specify the fields that you want to return. The field template_id is not required, the template ID will be always included in every template result returned in the response.
To include other template properties in the response you can optionally add parameters modified_at, created_at and name. Multiple field elements can be provided.

Dates must be formatted according to ISO 8601 date and time format. For example,
2015-04-01T00:00:00.000Z or 2015-04-01T00:00+1000.


The modification dates used for searching are related to SafetyCulture's cloud storage and include latest sync times, modifications through the SafetyCulture website, and other system modifications. This means that the date may not match the last date that the template was modified. This will ensure that you may consistently find all of the template modified since your last search, even if they are synced some time after they are last changed.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!