Rate limits

Making too many requests to the SafetyCulture API

To ensure the stability and security of our servers requests sent to the API by the same user simultaneously at a high rate will be throttled. In that case the API will return a 429 HTTP status code with an error message Too Many Requests.

Our rate limiting policy consists of a hard throttling limit

POST /users/search20060 seconds
GET /share/connections20060 seconds
POST /audits3060 seconds
GET /audits/search20060 seconds
GET /export_profiles/search20060 seconds
GET /templates/search20060 seconds
GET /response_sets20060 seconds
POST /audits/<audit ID>/export2060 seconds
GET /audits/<audit ID>/exports/<export ID>10060 seconds
GET /audits/<audit ID>/exports/<export ID>/<filename>10060 seconds
GET /preferences/search20060 seconds
POST /audits/{audit ID}/report20060 seconds
GET /audits/{audit ID}/report/{export ID}20060 seconds
Other80060 seconds

Rate limit response headers

All responses sent from the API will include headers which can be used to help manage the rate which requests are being sent to the API.

x-ratelimit-limitThe rate limit credit for that given endpoint
x-ratelimit-remainingThe number of requests left for the window
x-ratelimit-resetThe number of seconds until this window resets