Different types of IDs returned by SafetyCulture APIs
New IDs (UUIDs)
For the new SafetyCulture APIs, IDs must be provided in the format of a UUID f3245d39-ea77-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66
, to convert an old ID to this format use this sample code and convert it to your programming language.
const id = 'audit_f3245d39ea7711e1aff10800200c9a66';
function toUUID(str) {
const uuid = str.split('_')[1];
return `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20)}`
toUUID(id) // f3245d39-ea77-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66
Old IDs (SafetyCulture IDs)
For our older SafetyCulture APIs, IDs must be provided in our prefixed ID format audit_f3245d39ea7711e1aff10800200c9a66
, to convert a new UUID to this format use this sample code and convert it to your programming language.
const uuid = 'f3245d39-ea77-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66';
function toSafetyCultureID(prefix, id) {
return `${prefix}_${id.replace(/-/g, '')}`;
toSafetyCultureID('audit', uuid) // audit_f3245d39ea7711e1aff10800200c9a66