Update a user

The Update User endpoint allows users with the "Platform management: Users" permission to update any of the following user properties:

  • username (email address)
  • first name
  • last name
  • status (active or inactive)
  • seat type (full, lite, or free ("Guest"), only for active users)

Patch semantics are supported, meaning only the fields that are sent in the request are updated.


  1. To update a user, you must be in the same organization as that user.
  2. All fields except for the username (email address) will be updated immediately.
  3. Updating a username (email address) field will trigger a confirmation email.
  4. Only once the confirmation email has been actioned will the username (email address) be updated.
  5. When a user is de-activated i.e. their status changed from active to inactive, their access to inspection data they owned or was previously shared with them ceases.
  6. When a user is activated i.e. their status is changed from inactive to active, if the organization is on the Premium plan, reactivating the user will default to a full seat if no seat_type is passed into the request. Activating a user in a full seat will fail if the organization has not purchased enough full seats.
  7. Organizations are required to have enough paid full seats if they're changing users' seat types to full seats. Changing seat types to full seats when there aren't enough full seats will be rejected, and the organization will be required to purchase more seats through the SafetyCulture platform.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!