
Exported data formats

Understanding the data exported by SafetyCulture Exporter

The data columns listed in each data set's table are in the same order they appear in the CSV and SQL outputs.

Keep in mind that the data is designed to be pivoted so don't be put off if the files appear unusual or confusing in a spreadsheet reader.

The following chart details the relationship between the available data sets:



Lists the inspections you have access to.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
audit_idThe unique identifier of an inspection.audit_a5450a00...8c301490string
nameThe name or title of an inspection.3 Mar 2021 / Jack Hanstring
archivedThe indicator for whether an inspection is archived or not.TRUE or FALSEboolean
owner_nameThe username of an inspection's owner.Jack Hanstring
owner_idThe unique identifier of an inspection owner's account.user_4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring
author_nameThe username of an inspection' author.John Smithstring
author_idThe unique identifier of an inspection author's account.user_f9a117f8...6a733b3astring
scoreThe score achieved for an inspection.90float
max_scoreThe maximum achievable score for an inspection100float
score_percentageThe score percentage achieved for an inspection. The percentage is represented in full, so 100% is shown as 100. Depending on the tool you use, you may want to divide this column by 100 to render the data as percentages.90float
durationThe time taken to conduct an inspection, represented in seconds.240string
template_idThe unique identifier of an inspection's template.role_71614857...02eb3130string
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
template_nameThe name or title of an inspection's template.Health & Safety Inspection Reportstring
template_authorThe username of an inspection's template author.Jack Hanstring
site_idThe unique identifier of an inspection's site. You can refer to your sites data set table to find out each site's label.location_359a89f9...1ae20ff2string
date_startedThe date and time an inspection was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Please note that this may differ at times from the actual starting date and time for an inspection, such as when an inspection is created via our public API, then subsequently edited and completed by a user. For this reason, we recommend that you use the conducted_on column to track inspections' starting date and time.
date_completedThe date and time an inspection was completed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Please note that a completed inspection can be completed again, which would update the date completed value.
date_modifiedThe date and time an inspection was last modified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Please note that an inspection's date modified value updates whenever the inspection is edited.
created_atThe date and time an inspection was first synced or created on the SafetyCulture server in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
modified_atThe date and time an inspection was last synced or modified on the SafetyCulture server in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
exported_atThe date and time the inspections data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
document_noThe document number of an inspection.Han_002681string
prepared_byThe username of an inspection's author.

Please note that this field assumes the template uses the "Person" response type, which auto-populates the response with an inspection's author. However, because this a type of question, a user can type in anything to replace the auto-populated name.
John Smithstring
locationThe location address and coordinates of an inspection.2 Lacey St, Surry Hills NSW 2010,<br>Australia (-33.8858808, 151.2116917)string
conducted_onThe date and time an inspection was started in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Please note that this field assumes the template uses the "Inspection date" response type, which auto-populates the response with an inspection starting date and time. However, because this is a type of question, a user can select any date and time to replace the auto-populated value.
personnelThis is an old field from an older version of the template editor. This column only populates if you've exported inspection data that was created prior to late-2019.N/Astring
client_siteThis is an old field from an older version of the template editor. This column only populates if you've exported inspection data that was created prior to late-2019.N/Astring
latitudeThe latitude coordinates of an inspection's location.-33.8858808string
longitudeThe longitude coordinates of an inspection's location.151.2116917string
web_report_linkThe URL of an inspection report. Depending on your configuration, the links are either private (requires log in to SafetyCulture) or public.https://app.safetyculture.io/report
deletedThe indicator for whether an inspection is deleted or not.TRUE or FALSEboolean

Inspection items

Exports the inspection data you have access to.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
idThe unique identifiers of an item and the inspection its part of, separated by an underscore (_). Keep in mind that an item_id is only unique to the template, so this column can be used to make each item_id unique to each inspection.audit_a5450a00...8c301490_07
item_idThe unique identifier of an item.079f6f6b-...-3ec5941a7491string
audit_idThe unique identifier of an inspection.audit_a5450a00...8c301490string
item_indexThis column helps sort inspections into the order they're conducted in with a numerical index. The number runs from 1 up until the last question of an inspection, then resets for the next inspection.

To use this column for sorting, first sort by audit_id, then by item_index.
template_idThe unique identifier of an inspection's template.template_71614857...02eb3130string
parent_idThe unique identifier of an item's parent item. Please note that a page or section item's parent_id is the same as its item_id.079f6f6b-...-3ec5941a7491string
created_atThe date and time an inspection was first synced or created on the SafetyCulture server in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
modified_atThe date and time an inspection was last synced or modified on the SafetyCulture server in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
exported_atThe date and time the inspection items data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
typeThe item type of an item. Please note that in some cases, the type value of an item may change if the item is modified. For example:

A question becomes list if the associated response set has more than five responses and/or has at least one response that contains 30 or more characters.
categoryThe label of an item's parent section or page.Title Pagestring
category_idThe unique identifier of an item's immediate parent section or page. For example, if an item is not part of a section, then its category_id is the page's item_id.079f6f6b-...-3ec5941a7491string
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
parent_idsThe unique identifiers of an item's parent items. Each cell is a comma separated list of all the item_ids a given item is nested under. For example, an item can be part of a section that's on an inspection page, meaning its parent_ids are the item_ids of both the page and the section, separated by commas.22afcd64-...-3fe37c0229f9,07
labelThe label of an itemHas top management taken accountability
for the effectiveness of the QMS?
responseThe label of a multiple-choice question's response. Please note that this populates only when an item has a response.Yesstring
response_idThe unique identifier of a multiple-choice question's response.060ace00-1f61-468e-9c42-918fa93badcfstring
response_set_idThe unique identifier of a multiple-choice question's response set, including both custom response sets and Global Response Sets.c6c011ed-4ade-460d-a04b-da730834b667string
is_failed_responseThe indicator for whether a question has received a flagged response or not. SafetyCulture allows responses to be marked as flagged so that they can be highlighted for analytics purposes and more.TRUE or FALSEboolean
commentThe notes added to an item. SafetyCulture allows users to add notes to questions as comments.This is a note.string
media_filesThe list of media attachments.209f5a51...d0033a4bdd37.pngstring
media_idsThe unique identifier of a media attachment.3a530ebf-...-bd1ac8103291string
media_hypertext_referenceThe API endpoints of an item's media attachments. Each cell is a comma separated list of all media attachments connected to an item. You can make GET API requests to download media attachments.https://api.safetyculture.io/audits/audit
scoreScore for this item, where this item has children it will be the combined score of those children.90float
max_scoreMax score for this item, where this item has children it will be the combined max score of those children.100float
score_percentageScore percentage for this item, where this item has children it will be the combined score percentage of those children. The percentage is represented in full, so 100% is shown as 100. Depending on the tool you use, you may want to divide this column by 100 to render the data as percentages.90float
combined_scoreWhere this item has children it will be the combined score of those children, otherwise null.90float
combined_max_scoreWhere this item has children it will be the combined max score of those children, otherwise null.100float
combined_score_percentageWhere this item has children it will be the combined score percentage of those children, otherwise null. The percentage is represented in full, so 100% is shown as 100. Depending on the tool you use, you may want to divide this column by 100 to render the data as percentages.90float
mandatoryThe indicator for whether an item is required or not. SafetyCulture allows questions to be marked as required so that an inspection can only be completed once all required questions have been answered.TRUE or FALSEboolean
inactiveThe indicator for whether an item is inactive or not. This could include questions that are nested under Logic fields (smartfields), where items nested under a Logic field that hasn't been triggered are considered inactive.TRUE or FALSEboolean
location_latitudeThe latitude coordinates of a location question response.-33.8858808string
location_longitudeThe longitude coordinates of a location question response.152.12008510string


Lists templates you have access to.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
template_idThe unique identifier of a template.template_71614857...02eb3130string
archivedThe indicator for whether a template is archived or not.TRUE or FALSEboolean
nameThe name or title of a template.Health & Safety Inspection Reportstring
descriptionThe description of a template.Use this weekly site safety inspection checklist to perform
an extensive inspection of a job site.Includes checks for
first aid facilities, fire prevention, emergencies, site security, PPE, etc.
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
owner_nameThe username of a template's owner.Jack Hanstring
owner_idThe unique identifier of a template's owner.user_4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring
author_nameThe username of a template' author.John Smithstring
author_idThe unique identifier of a template's author.user_f9a117f8...6a733b3astring
created_atThe date and time a template was first synced or created on the SafetyCulture server in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
modified_atThe date and time a template was last synced or modified on the SafetyCulture server in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
exported_atThe date and time the templates data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime

Template permissions

Lists the access level users and/or groups have over each template you have access to.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
permission_idThe unique identifiers a group or user and the template they have access to, as well as the access level they have over the template, separated by underscores (_).template_0000a080...3a026ee2_delete
template_idThe unique identifier of a template.template_71614857...02eb3130string
permissionThe permission or access level a group or user has over a template.view or edit or deletestring
assignee_idThe unique identifier of a group or user. You can refer to your groups or users data set table to find out each assignee's name.role_00168391...f0898faastring
assignee_typeThe type of an assignee.user or rolestring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string



Lists the sites in your organization.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
site_idThe unique identifier of a site.location_000f85e9...2eb97a8bstring
nameThe name of a site.Surry Hillsstring
creator_idThe unique identifier of a site creator.user_f9a117f8...6a733b3astring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
exported_atThe date and time the sites data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
deletedThe indicator for whether a site has been deleted or not.TRUE or FALSEboolean
meta_labelThe label of this site in the hierarchy.location, area, region, state, countrystring
parent_idThe ID of the parent site.location_000f85e9...2eb97a8bstring


Lists the users in your organization.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
user_idThe unique identifier of a user.user_4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring
organisationThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
emailThe account email address of a user.support@safetyculture.comstring
firstnameThe first name of a user.Jackstring
lastnameThe last name of a user.Hanstring
activeThe indicator for whether a user is active or not.TRUE or FALSEboolean
last_seen_atThe date and time the user was last seen (within 20 minutes). NOTE this will only display if the user has accessed SafetyCulture after the 12th of October 2021.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
exported_atThe date and time the users data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
seat_typeThe seat type of a user.fullstring


Lists the groups in your organization.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
group_idThe unique identifier of a group.role_00168391...f0898faastring
nameThe name of a group.Product Teamstring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
exported_atThe date and time the groups data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime

Group users

Lists the users for each group.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
user_idThe unique identifier of a user. Filter by a user to see which groups they're part of. You can refer to your users data set table to find out each user's name.user_4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring
group_idThe unique identifier of a group. Filter by a group to see which users it includes. You can refer to your groups data set table to find out each group's name.role_00168391...f0898faastring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
exported_atThe date and time the group users data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime

Activity log events

Lists the organisation history of activity log events.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
idThe unique identifier of the activity event4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring
event_atTimestamp of when the event took place2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
typeType of the event that took place,mullet.accepted_invitestring
user_idUnique identifier of the user that triggered the eventuser_4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring
organisation_idThe organisation of which the event happened inrole_00168391...f0898faastring
client_classClient class represents the device type.sc_Webstring
agentUser's agent refers to the application, operating system, vendor and/or version of the user agent.Mozilla/5.0 (platform; rv:geckoversion) Gecko/geckotrail Firefox/firefoxversionstring
metadataCustom metadata of the event.{"assignee_id": "user_f75e9fbcb5ae41ab8e527386deeb9096","removed_user_id": "user_d8fd86d6020a4778b5126c0b463e6371","role_id": "role_0f1e2f46980f43189bc6105f6d1738aa","role_type": "org"}json object
remote_ipThe IP address of the user that triggered event.
initiatorThe type of initiator that triggered the event.INITIATOR_USERstring


Lists the schedules you have access to.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
schedule_idThe unique identifier of a schedule.scheduleitem_0079fb74...0f57642dstring
descriptionThe title of a schedule.Every 2 Weeks - Site Safety Reporting - General Populationstring
recurrenceThe recurrence settings of a schedule.INTERVAL=2;FREQ=WEEKLY;DTSTART=20210125T090000Z
;BYDAY=MOfor every 2 weeks on Monday starting from
25 Jan 2021 at 9 AM
durationThe recurrence duration of a schedule. In other words, how long each schedule repeat stays available.P1M10D20H for one month, 10 days, and 20 hoursstring
modified_atThe date and time a schedule was last modified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
exported_atThe date and time the schedules data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
from_dateThe start date of a schedule in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-02-18T05:00:00Zdatetime
to_dateThe end date of a schedule in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Please note that this only applies to one-off schedules.2021-02-18T17:00:00Zdatetime
start_time_hourThe hour value of a schedule's start time.8 for 8 AMstring
start_time_minuteThe minute value of a schedule's start time.30 for the 30th minute within an hourstring
all_must_completeThe indicator for whether a schedule must be completed by all assignees or not.TRUE or FALSEboolean
statusThe status of a schedule.FINISHED or ACTIVE or PAUSEDstring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
timezoneThe timezone of a schedule, based on the tz database.Australia/Sydneystring
can_late_submitThe indicator for whether a schedule allows inspection submissions past the due date or not.TRUE or FALSEboolean
site_idThe unique identifier of a schedule's selected site. You can refer to your sites data set table to find out each site's label.role_00168391...f0898faastring
template_idThe unique identifier of a schedule's selected template.template_71614857...02eb3130 string
creator_user_idThe unique identifier of a schedule's creator. You can refer to your users data set table to find out each user's name.user_4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring

Schedule assignees

Lists the assignees for each schedule you have access to.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
idThe unique identifiers of a schedule and the assignee, separated by an underscore (_).scheduleitem_0079fb74...60f57642d_role
schedule_idThe unique identifier of a schedule. You can refer to your schedules data set table to find out each schedule's title.scheduleitem_0079fb74...0f57642dstring
assignee_idThe unique identifier of a group or user.role_00168391...f0898faastring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
typeThe type of an assignee.user or rolestring
nameThe name of a group or user.Site Managersstring
exported_atThe date and time the schedule assignees data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime

Schedule occurrences

Lists the completion history for schedules you have access to.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
idThe unique identifiers of a schedule and its recurrence, as well as assignee, separated by underscores (_).scheduleitem_a5a8eb66...393a5e2e_occurrence
schedule_idThe unique identifier of a schedule. You can refer to your schedules data set table to find out each schedule's title.scheduleitem_0079fb74...0f57642dstring
occurrence_idThe unique identifier of a schedule recurrence.occurrence_1612256400000string
template_idThe unique identifier of a schedule's selected template.template_71614857...02eb3130 string
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
start_timeThe date and time a schedule recurrence was started in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-02-02T22:00:00Zdatetime
due_timeThe date and time a schedule recurrence was due in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-02-02T22:00:00Zdatetime
miss_timeThe date and time a schedule recurrence was missed or became past due in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Please note that data prior to September 2020 are not available.2021-02-02T22:00:00Zdatetime
occurrence_statusThe status of a schedule recurrence.TODO or MISSED or COMPLETE or LATE_COMPLETEstring
audit_idThe unique identifier of an inspection. This is only relevant for recurrences that have late inspection submissions.audit_a5450a00...8c301490string
completed_atThe date and time a schedule recurrence was completed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Please note a recurrence is only completes when the due date time has lapsed for all users across different timezones and late inspections have been submitted.2021-02-02T04:31:48.287Zdatetime
exported_atThe date and time the schedule occurrences data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
user_idThe unique identifier of a user.user_4dc2e6b1...f0898faa string
assignee_statusThe status of an assignee's schedule completion.TODO or MISSED or COMPLETE or LATE_COMPLETEstring


Lists the actions in your organization.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
action_idThe unique identifier of an action.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
titleThe title of an action.Further training requiredstring
descriptionThe description of an action.John requires further training, please book a time with the admin.string
site_idThe unique identifier of an action's selected site. You can refer to your sites data set table to find out each site's label.location_000f85e9...2eb97a8bstring
priorityThe selected priority of an action.LOW or MEDIUM or HIGHstring
statusThe status of an action.TODO or IN_PROGRESS or COMPLETE or CANNOT_DOstring
due_dateThe date and time of an action's selected due date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-15T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
created_atThe date and time an action was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
modified_atThe date and time an action was last modified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
exported_atThe date and time the actions data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime
creator_user_idThe unique identifier of an action's creator.user_4dc2e6b1...f0898faastring
creator_user_nameThe username of an action's creator.Jack Hanstring
template_idThe unique identifier of an action's relevant inspection template.template_71614857...02eb3130string
audit_idThe unique identifier of an action's relevant inspection.audit_a5450a00...8c301490string
audit_titleThe name or title of an action's relevant inspection.3 Mar 2021 / Jack Hanstring
audit_item_idThe unique identifier of an action's relevant question item.079f6f6b-...-3ec5941a7491string
audit_item_labelThe label of an action's relevant question item.Does the Hand Sanitizer contain at least 60% alcohol content?string
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
completed_atThe date and time an action was completed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-02-02T04:31:48.287Zdatetime

Action assignees

Lists the assignees for each action.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
idThe unique identifiers of an action and its assignee, separated by an underscore (_).23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11d_user
action_idThe unique identifier of an action.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
assignee_idThe unique identifier or email of an action's assignee.user_f9a117f8...6a733b3astring
typeThe type of an action's assignee.user or emailstring
nameThe name or email of an action's assignee.John Smithstring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
modified_atThe date and time an action was last modified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
exported_atThe date and time the action assignees data set table was exported via the SafetyCulture Exporter in the local timezone.2021-03-04T13:06:29.599871+11:00datetime

Action timeline items

Lists the timeline items for each action.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
item_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item.13a51d51-...-1b3180a6b12mstring
task_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item's action.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
task_creator_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item's action creator.user_f9a117f8...6a733b3astring
task_creator_nameThe name of a timeline item's action creator.John Smithstring
timestampThe date and time a timeline item was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
creator_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item's creator.user_117cbdc0...fe1b85f962b2string
creator_nameThe name of a timeline item's creator.Jane Doylestring
item_typeThe type of a timeline item.TASK_DUE_AT_UPDATEDstring
item_dataThe data of a timeline item.56bed353-...-5415f3cad949string


Lists the issues in your organization.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
idThe unique identifier of an issue.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
titleThe title of an issue.Water on the floorstring
descriptionThe description of an issue.there is a spill on the corridorstring
creator_idThe unique identifier of the issue's creator.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
creator_user_nameThe username of the issue's creator.John D.string
created_atThe date and time an issue was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
due_atThe date and time an issue is due at in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
priorityThe selected priority of an issue.LOW or MEDIUM or HIGHstring
statusThe status of an issue.Open or Resolvedstring
template_idThe unique identifier of an issue's relevant inspection template.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
inspection_idThe unique identifier of an issue's relevant inspection.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
inspection_nameThe inspection name.Has the issue been resolved?string
site_idThe unique identifier of an issue's selected site.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
site_nameThe name of the issue's selected site.Central stationstring
location_nameThe issue's location name.123 George Ststring
category_idThe unique identifier of an issue's category.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
category_labelThe name of the category.Hazardstring

Issue timeline items

Lists the timeline items for each issue.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
item_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item.13a51d51-...-1b3180a6b12mstring
task_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item's issue.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
organisation_idThe unique identifier of the SafetyCulture organization.role_e07b6ac0...182f65d9string
task_creator_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item's issue creator.user_f9a117f8...6a733b3astring
task_creator_nameThe name of a timeline item's issue creator.John Smithstring
timestampThe date and time a timeline item was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T12:58:23.011Zdatetime
creator_idThe unique identifier of a timeline item's creator.user_117cbdc0...fe1b85f962b2string
creator_nameThe name of a timeline item's creator.Jane Doylestring
item_typeThe type of a timeline item.TASK_DUE_AT_UPDATEDstring
item_dataThe data of a timeline item. Depending on the timeline item type, the data may also be datetime.56bed353-...-5415f3cad949string


Lists the assets in your organization.

ColumnDescriptionExampleSQL data type
asset_idThe unique identifier of an asset.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
codeThe user-defined unique identifier of an asset.CLZEJNstring
type_idThe description of an issue.ff1223ac-...-0242ac120024string
type_nameThe type of an asset.Light vehiclestring
fieldsThe fields of an asset.{"name":"Brand"/"value":"Toyota"/"field_id":"ef1223ac-...-0242ac120001"}string
created_atThe date and time an asset was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
modified_atThe date and time an asset was last modified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).2021-03-03T10:48:25.064Zdatetime
site_idThe unique identifier of an issue's selected site.23b3c639-...-1b3180a6f11dstring
stateThe state of an asset. Either active or archived.ASSET_STATE_ACTIVE or ASSET_STATE_ARCHIVEDstring